Our State-by-State Chart (Below) Will Help You Choose Which of the Top 20 U.S. Retirement States is Right for You

Thinking about relocating when you retire? Choosing where to retire is a real challenge. Does a warm beach fit your retirement dream? Maybe you prefer the four seasons. Is moving to a lower-cost locale important so you can stretch your limited retirement income? Are you trying to escape a high-tax state?

The chart below provides relevant data to help you make your decision. You can see where other seniors congregate and how climate, cost of living, and taxes compare in the 20 U.S. states that attract the most retirees.

There’s no one state that is “best” for retirement. It’s a personal decision. Still, there’s a state on this chart to fit everyone’s needs, in all sections of the country. We hope you find the chart useful.

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